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A Quick Chat with Mikki Bey: The Power of Emotional Regulation for Women in Business

A Quick Chat with Mikki Bey: The Power of Emotional Regulation for Women in Business

Introduction: Mikki, a leading expert in emotional regulation for high-achieving women, is hosting an exciting digital summit on November 21st This event will dive deep into strategies for managing stress and thriving in PropTech, especially for women navigating a male-dominated industry. Mikki is also releasing a powerful new book tailored for women in PropTech, offering actionable insights to help them excel both personally and professionally.

Mikki Bey LeadHer

Interviewer: Mikki, thank you so much for joining us today. You’ve been a leading voice in emotional regulation and stress management, especially for high-achieving women. Let’s dive right in—how important is emotional regulation for women in business?

Mikki Bey: Emotional regulation is absolutely crucial for women in business. It’s often the key differentiator between reacting to challenges impulsively and responding to them thoughtfully and strategically. Women in business, particularly in leadership roles, face unique pressures—whether it's navigating male-dominated environments, balancing work and personal life, or managing the expectations placed upon them.

Having strong emotional regulation skills allows women to maintain clarity and composure, even in the most stressful situations. This doesn't just benefit their own well-being; it also enhances their leadership effectiveness. When a leader can remain calm and focused, it sets the tone for the entire team, fostering a more productive and positive work environment.

Interviewer: That's a powerful perspective. How can women develop and strengthen their emotional regulation skills?

Mikki Bey: It starts with self-awareness. Understanding your triggers and recognizing how your emotions influence your behavior is the first step. From there, it’s about developing coping strategies, whether through mindfulness practices, journaling, or even seeking support from a coach or therapist. It's also essential to create boundaries and prioritize self-care, which often gets overlooked. Emotional regulation is like a muscle—it gets stronger with practice and consistency.

Interviewer: Absolutely, and your insights are so valuable. Thank you, Mikki, for sharing your expertise on this vital topic. We look forward to learning more at your upcoming summit.

Mikki Bey: My pleasure! It's a conversation that needs to be had more often, and I’m glad to be part of it.


Get featured in the discussion - share your story!

We’re looking to feature women of diverse backgrounds in PropTech. Share your story by submitting a short video (5 min. max) addressing these key questions:

  • How do you maintain emotional regulation in the high-pressure environment of PropTech?
  • Can you share a moment when emotional regulation was crucial to your success?
  • How do you balance your career with personal life in a male-dominated industry?
  • What challenges have you faced as a woman in PropTech, and how have you overcome them?
  • What advice would you give to other women striving to manage stress and succeed in their careers?

How to Submit: Share Your Story


About Mikki:

Mikki Bey is a Celebrity Life Coach, Corporate Keynote Speaker, and Emotional Regulation Expert.

Featured on:

Shark Tank, CNBC, ABC, CBS, Vogue,

Experience the brilliance of Mikki Bey, a highly sought-after corporate speaker and celebrity life coach, renowned for her expertise in emotional regulation, stress management, and work-life balance.

With over 15 million views and counting, Mikki's transformative insights have captivated and empowered audiences worldwide.

Specializing in the technology, security, and property technology sectors, Mikki has recently been a keynote speaker at the LeadHER SIA conference, where she shared her profound knowledge with over 400 industry leaders.

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